Purchasing a hot tub is easy. But, maintaining it requires a lot of effort. You may have come across certain individuals recommending you to use liquid bleach in place of chlorine or bromine for your...
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Chlorine and bromine are the go-to chemicals recommended by most tub companies for cleaning purposes. So, how soon can you use a hot tub after adding chemicals? It is recommended to wait for at...
Can an inflatable hot tub work as well as a regular hot tub under different weather conditions? One of such concerns is if an inflatable hot tub is good in winter. So, are inflatable hot tubs good in...
Having a faulty control panel can be a huge letdown. If your hot tub panel isn’t doing what it is meant to do or it is displaying error codes, flashing lights, or worrying signals, then you need to...
Can You Put a Hot Tub in Your Basement? (Yes, but Do This First)
The luxury and satisfaction that comes with owning a hot tub can be enjoyed both indoors and outdoors. If you are one who values privacy a lot, then you might fancy having your hot tub indoors,...
Placing an inflatable hot tub on a wooden deck has always been a concern of mine. I feel like so much can go wrong due to the slightly delicate nature of the inflatable tub and the wooden structure...